The NCMD video library carries recordings of our events and report launches, as well as informative interviews and productions that explain our work and how it contributes to improving and saving children’s lives.
Stakeholder briefing: Child deaths due to Asthma or Anaphylaxis
Analysis forms – what does ‘good’ look like?
Before Our Eyes
Anna Freud – Learning from Deaths – Children with a learning disability and autistic children
Meningitis Spotlight Session 2024
Preventing Future Child Deaths Through Shared Learnings
Child death reviews in 2024: Autumn update
Talking About Lactation – The Importance of Shared Decision Making in Antenatal Anticipatory Care Planning
Introducing the Child Death Review Toolkit webinar
Child deaths reviews in 2024: Spring updates webinar
Changes to statutory guidance: Working together to safeguard children 2023
Infection related deaths of children and young people stakeholder briefing
Whole Genome Sequencing for Sudden Unexplained Infant and Child Deaths
Child death reviews in 2023: Autumn update webinar
Deaths of children and young people due to traumatic incidents stakeholder briefing
Child death reviews in 2023: Spring update webinar
Consanguinity in CDRMs and CDOP reviews webinar
Sudden and Unexpected Deaths in Infancy and Childhood report launch
NCMD Webinar: Child death reviews in 2022: Autumn update
CDR reporting form: frequently asked questions
Safer sleeping to reduce sudden infant deaths
Childhood deaths, modifiable factors, and measures of deprivation
NCMD Webinar: The role of medical examiners in child death review
Report Launch: The Contribution of Newborn Health to Child Mortality across England
NCMD Webinar: Engaging parents in child death review
Sudden, unexplained death in childhood: Advice for GPs from a bereaved parent
NCMD Webinar: Working together to better serve children with a learning disability
Modifiability in Child Death Overview Panel reviews
Suicide in Children and Young People report launch
Child mortality and social deprivation report launch
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