7 April – COVID-19 Special Webinar with Q&A
An unprecedented 112 participants took part in our webinar dedicated to COVID-19 on 7 April 2020. This number was perhaps expected due to the subject matter but, given that the webinar was only scheduled one week ago, it demonstrated enormous commitment on the part of CDOPs and other Child Death Review professionals to stay up-to-date in the current climate of (necessarily) changing advice. We are extremely thankful to all who took part…
Hosted by UCL Partners and presented by one of NCMD’s Managers, Vicky Sleap, the webinar featured a presentation on the latest information around COVID-19 and child death, as well as a live Q&A session. In particular, it featured brand new guidance on Joint Agency Response (JAR) to child deaths during COVID-19 – more information on which (including the guidance in full) can be found here.
The webinar also helped to outline what CDR professionals should be telling NCMD about in relation to child death notifications received. In particular, CDOPs were asked to be vigilant for deaths which could be considered to be an indirect cause of COVID-19 and isolation as well as the virus itself (suspected or confirmed). More specifically, this includes:
- Children who die with symptoms of COVID-19, whether confirmed or suspected (please record as potential cause of death)
- Those who die of any cause, but show signs of undiagnosed infection in the weeks leading up to death
- Children known to have the virus but who might have died of something else
- Any child who meets the criteria for a Joint Agency Response (JAR) where the cause of death is unknown, but infection is considered as a significant possibility and the child or other member(s) of the household had a fever or cough within the preceding 14 days
- Babies who are born and then die where the mother was known or suspected to have had COVID-19
- Child deaths where the COVID-19 pandemic might have contributed to the death (eg issues with access to services or staffing capacity, inflicted injury or child suicide).
Go to this page for the latest information on NCMD’s response to COVID-19.
Listen again: A recording of this webinar (and a copy of Vicky Sleap’s presentation about COVID-19) is available to those working in the sector; please contact us by email if you would like a copy.
DATE FOR YOUR DIARY: The next webinar will be on:
- Tuesday 23 June 2020, 10.30-11.30 am .
To request an invitation to attend (with details of how to join), please email us. PLEASE SHARE with other CDOPs and CDR professionals who may be interested in attending.
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