When a neonatal death occurs, notifications need to be made to multiple organisations including MBRRACE-UK for national perinatal mortality surveillance, local Child Death Overview Panels (CDOPs) and the National Child Mortality Database (NCMD).

The purpose of the Cascade integrated system is to reduce the duplication of data entry by those who need to make notifications of neonatal deaths.

The system works by trusts completing a notification to MBRRACE-UK when a neonatal death occurs. The system will automatically determine which of those notifications need to be sent onward to CDOPs and which CDOP needs to know that the death has occurred. It will then send that notification to the relevant CDOP.

Guidance for CDOPs on the Cascade system can be found here. Please contact us with any queries at ncmd-programme@bristol.ac.uk

Guidance for Trusts in England about Cascade is available on the MBRRACE-UK website.


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