Further information and resources

The following is intended as a list of links and further information from other organisations that could be useful to anyone working in Child Death Review (or any associated sectors such as child health and social care). It is not intended to be exhaustive so, if you are aware of other links that might be useful to others working in the field that you use regularly, then let us know and we will consider adding them. Please also be aware of the following:

  • we are not responsible for any of the content contained on others’ sites so please review carefully before using, and
  • while we make every effort to keep this list up-to-date, information can change without notice, so please let us know if anything is incorrect or not as you expect.

Child Death Review

Child health, paediatrics and health

Safety and safeguarding

Neonatal and babies

  • MBRRACE-UK: Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries across the UK
  • Perinatal Mortality Review Tool (PMRT)
  • The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG)
  • The Royal College of Midwives (RCM)
  • British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM)


Relevant organisations

Bereavement and families

Other charities from the sector

  • Action on Pre-eclampsia who work to raise public and professional awareness of pre-eclampsia, and to improve care


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