
Our publications section carries all NCMD reports, briefings and data releases. Here you’ll find in-depth analysis of overall child mortality in England, deep dives into specific causes of death with recommendations for improvement in the future, and complete data releases that give you a chance to explore the unique data we hold for yourself.

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Preventing Future Child Deaths  Through Shared Learnings

Preventing Future Child Deaths Through Shared Learnings

Warning! This video is intended for a professional audience and deals with difficult subject matter in a straightforward and matter-of-fact way. Those with lived experience of bereavement and child loss may find it difficult or upsetting to watch.In this free NCMD...

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Child death reviews in 2024: Autumn update

Child death reviews in 2024: Autumn update

Warning! This video is intended for a professional audience and deals with difficult subject matter in a straightforward and matter-of-fact way. Those with lived experience of bereavement and child loss may find it difficult or upsetting to watch.In this webinar...

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The CASCADE Integrated System

The CASCADE Integrated System

When a neonatal death occurs, notifications need to be made to multiple organisations including MBRRACE-UK for national perinatal mortality surveillance, local Child Death Overview Panels (CDOPs) and the National Child Mortality Database (NCMD). The purpose of the...

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RLSS UK – Safety Warning on Child Drownings at Home

RLSS UK – Safety Warning on Child Drownings at Home

The Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) is a leading charity in water safety, and following recent findings, is urging healthcare professionals and others working with families to help raise awareness of the risks associated with water in the home, with an initial...

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