In response to feedback from CDOPs and other stakeholders, we are pleased to advise of improvements to CDR statutory forms as implemented in eCDOP and the NCMD portal, which are live from 1 April 2021.

Developed in partnership with QES, these updates are designed to improve both data quality and the user experience, by providing greater clarity over the interpretation of questions and reducing the time taken to complete cases. The changes affect Notification, Reporting and Analysis forms as well as Supplementary Reporting forms for: Asthma and Anaphylaxis; Drowning; and Sudden Unexpected Deaths. Find below, further details:

Notification form
A question on whether the death was a suspected stillbirth at home has been added so that we can better identify these deaths nationally.

Reporting form

  • Questions regarding whether the child lived in poverty/deprivation have been added. This is a result of the work on the NCMD thematic report Child Mortality and Social Deprivation, to enable collection of information related to poverty and for future, more in-depth analysis on the effects of poverty on children’s health and wellbeing.
  • Questions regarding whether the child’s family experienced any barriers to accessing services (eg chargeable care, language, financial) have been added, to identify the burden of this issue on antenatal care and neonatal mortality.

Supplementary forms

  • Asthma and anaphylaxis: We have made a small amendment to the wording of the second question for further clarity, following expert advice.
  • Drowning: We have re-ordered some of the questions to ensure data entry is efficient. This means that some questions will now only appear depending on the answer to previous questions.
  • Sudden unexpected deaths: We have re-ordered some of the questions to ensure data entry is efficient. This means that some questions will now only appear depending on the answer to previous questions. A number of questions have also been added following expert advice to achieve a better level of granularity in the data for these deaths.

Analysis form
A field has been added within the contributory (domain) factors section to allow users to record whether they consider each contributory factor to be modifiable or not. This change has been made to ensure that the contributory and modifiable factors are linked, and so provide more guided and intuitive data collection. This will also help with improving our future data analyses on factors.

Please also note that the Child Death Review (CDR) paper forms have been amended to reflect these changes, and updated forms should be downloaded from the Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC) website from 1 April 2021.

Please share: We would be grateful if you could share this information with colleagues who use the CDR statutory forms.

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